
Welcome to Wilstead Primary School, we hope you enjoy looking through our website and welcome any feedback you have. The Website will have content added regularly over the coming weeks so keep checking back.

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Wilstead Primary School Learning for Life


Wilstead Values, Vision and Aims

School Vision

We work in active partnership to enable all children to realise their potential.

Wilstead is a Values Based School.

Values are principles that guide behaviour and choices.


We promote an educational philosophy based on valuing self, others and the environment through teaching explicit values and embedding an ethical values vocabulary.


We do this through our explicit and implicit teaching of a Values Set - vocabulary we have chosen to focus our staff and learners on developing their understanding of values-driven, ethical behaviour and choices. Our Values underpin our Code of Conduct and our core and wider curriculum. 


If you would like to learn more about Valued-Based Education, please click on this link. You can also see how Values influence our Whole School Assemblies in the link below.

Family ViBES

We ask our families to support learning in class by practising and reinforcing its importance at home. This is the same with Values. This resource is to support the teaching and learning of Values at home. You could begin by talking about the Value of the Month - does your child know what this is? You could talk about what the Value means to each family member.


Then look at the suggested activities and decide which ones you would like to try together!


It would be wonderful to get some feedback so that the resources can evolve and grow with us. Please encourage your child to share their Family ViBEs with us, bringing their work or photos into school and telling us about how their family has celebrated the Value. We can share this with the rest of our community through our Class DoJo!


Thank you for helping us on our Values journey.


School Values in Action

Through our values-based learning, we aim to ensure our pupils leave school well prepared for life in modern society. Pupils are expected to treat people of all faiths, races, cultures and identities with respect and to understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its laws.


School Aims

  • For children to be independent learners and thinkers.
  • To inspire a love for learning.
  • To provide a relevant curriculum for all.
  • To provide a welcoming, safe and caring environment in which each individual child and adult is respected,  valued and supported.
  • For children to value themselves.
  • To improve the quality of our educational provision to all pupils through the professional development of the staff team.



