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We believe that quality assessment is integral to ensuring that our children make good progress in their learning. Here is an explanation of how both external and internal assessment is managed at Wilstead.
To compare our school to others, using the Department for Education's page, click here: https://www.compare-school-performance.service.gov.uk
Wilstead School Performance
Early Years Foundation Stage
At the end of their time in Reception, the national expectation is for children to achieve a Good Level of Development. Last year, at Wilstead Primary School, 83% of children achieved a Good Level of Development with the 2023 National Average being 67.2%.
Key Stage 1
National phonics testing
At the end of Year 1, children take the national phonics screening check. The table below shows the percentage of Year 1 pupils achieving the expected standard in phonics in June 2023.
Year Group | Group Size | % Expected Standard |
All | 35 | 86% |
Year 1 | 29 | 86% |
Year 2 | 6 | 83% |
End of Key Stage One (Year 2) pupil outcomes are based on national test scores and teacher assessments. The table below shows the percentage of Year 2 pupils achieving the expected standard in reading, writing, and maths in May 2023 (This data is provisional).
| Reading | Writing | Maths |
KS1 2022-3 | 73% | 70% | 77% |
The End of Key Stage Two (Year 6) national tests are marked externally and the results returned to school. All test outcomes are converted to a scaled score, which indicates how students have achieved against the national standard. A score of 100 represents the new national expectation. Therefore, anything below a 100 is classed as working towards the expected standard and a scaled score above 110 indicates that a student is working at a higher standard when compared to the nationally expected standard.
| Reading | Writing | Maths | GPS | Combined |
Expected Standard | 64% | 59% | 59% | 73% | 46% |
Greater Depth | 32% | 0% | 9% | 18% | 0% |
The National expected standard is 100.