
Welcome to Wilstead Primary School, we hope you enjoy looking through our website and welcome any feedback you have. The Website will have content added regularly over the coming weeks so keep checking back.

Home Page

Wilstead Primary School Learning for Life


Home Learning

Home Learning

We believe that Home Learning supports a child’s development by providing opportunities for consolidation and reinforcement of the skills learned at school.  It also prepares them for secondary stage education by increasing independence. We expect parents and carers to play an active role in their children’s education, and we encourage children to develop responsibility and self-discipline.  


All children have a email address, through which they can access the Google Classroom suite.  Much of the work set utilises apps such as MyMaths, TTRockstars and PurpleMash.  This gives children instant feedback and provides teachers with valuable insights into the children's strengths and areas for development.  As a guide, we expect the following weekly homework to be set:


EYFS: Speed sounds, word reading and number activities

KS1: Daily reading, spellings and maths

KS2: Daily reading, spellings and maths

Year 6:  Subject mastery activities, independent study using CGP books and extended writing tasks


For further information on our Home Learning and other policies, please click here.

Logins to online learning resources

The school subscribes to a number of online learning resources, which can be accessed at home. Links and passwords are provided at the beginning of the school year by the class teacher. It is essential that children and parents have access to the relevant login details so that they are immediately available in the event of a closure. 


Parent Guides

These links take you to a YouTube video which is filled with helpful hints to aid parents getting online for remote education:


Google tools help guides

How to use Google Classroom

Google Classroom guide

A look at Google Classroom

Class Dojo Parent Tutorial

How students post to their portfolio on Class Dojo
