
Welcome to Wilstead Primary School, we hope you enjoy looking through our website and welcome any feedback you have. The Website will have content added regularly over the coming weeks so keep checking back.

Home Page

Wilstead Primary School Learning for Life


School Attendance

We believe good attendance is vital for children to achieve their full potential. 

We promote good attendance by providing a safe and motivating environment for all children. 

As a team, we will work together to break down any barriers a child or family may have to accessing their 



Here you will find information about the policies and procedures we follow and our expectations for Wilstead families. 

Why Does It Matter?

Excellent attendance at school is vital to allow a child or young person to fulfil their potential. This video shows just some of the key reasons why it is so important that children attend school.

In England, our children start school the term before their fifth birthday. Although statutory attendance isn't expected until a child is five, we have observed that the children who attend full time right from the start of Reception have a distinct advantage as they have taken every opportunity for learning that is offered.


We ask new Reception parents to commit to bringing their child into school every day, so that no potential learning opportunities are lost.

Policies and Procedures

Wilstead is a Local Authority school and as such follows the guidance and expectations of Bedford Borough's Behaviour and Attendance Team. Here are links to our policies and to Bedford Borough's online Attendance information.
